Download WebKut 2020 Latest Version For Windows

WebKut 2020 Latest Version - Download WebKut and browse the Internet to capture its content in three different ways. With WebKut you can obtain image files in several different formats


WebKut 2020 Latest Version  Reviews

If you need to capture the content of a full website or just a certain part, you can resort to WebKut. It is a simple application with which you can make captures by means of the URL typed in. Three different types of captures WebKut is a tool based on Adobe AIR in which we have to input the URL in the field enabled for such purpose and we will be able to browse through it from the application itself. We will be able to capture its full content, the current view or only the specific part that we indicate with the selection tool. The capture will not modify its structure at all, and you can choose between different output formats. Features Desktop application to capture webs, based on Adobe AIR. Three different types of captures (AllPage, Current View and Selection). Four different output formats (JPEG, GIF, PNG and PDF). Establish the image's compression level. Preview the captures made. Download WebKut and make use of a simple and intuitive tool to capture webs in different formats.

WebKut 2020 For Windows Details

WebKut 2020 Latest Version Icon

  • Software Name : WebKut
  • Software Description : Capture a website fully or partially
  • Software Version : Latest Version
  • License : FREE
  • Operating System : Windows

Download WebKut 2020 Latest Version For Windows

If you're looking for WebKut 2020 Latest Version For Windows, You have come to the right place. You can download WebKut 2020 Latest Version for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Apps

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